Hello students! My name is Kris.I am 25 years old from the Philippines.I am a Licensed Professional Teacher with a 2-year teaching experience.I am the type of a teacher who can easily get along with different students, because I have a strategy which the students love – being approachable.I would always want to leave a remarkable thing to my students, so that they will never forget me. It’s like when they heard of my name, they will remember that thing about me, and that is – a joyful environment.
My favorite past time is playing online games, to be specific Battleground Games. I got interested playing it during pandemic, that was year 2020. I got hooked with what’s happening in the game. Most of the time I play with my friends, my so- called “Squad” in the game. It’s really enjoyable!
I love travelling! I actually have visited many provinces here in the Philippines. Most of the time I go on a vacation with my family, because for me, spending time with them is important. When travelling, I got to discover unusual and new things, which for me is exciting and fascinating!
私の好きな時間はオンラインゲーム、特にバトルグラウンドゲームをプレイすることです。2020年のパンデミックの時にこのゲームに興味を持ち、ゲームの中で起こっていることに夢中になりました。ほとんどの場合、私は友人たち、いわゆる “スクワッド “と一緒にプレイします。本当に楽しい!
私は旅行が大好きです!実際、ここフィリピンでも多くの地方を訪れました!私はたいてい家族と休暇を過ごしますが、それは私にとって家族と過ごす時間が大切だからです。旅をしていると、珍しいものや新しいものを発見することができます。 それは私にとって刺激的で魅力的なことです!
To my beloved students, I am here to help you be confident in speaking the English language. I can assure you that you will love English more if I am your teacher. We will make learning English fun and easy! I can’t wait to meet you all and be your teacher!
※本記事の日本語訳は、DeepL を使って翻訳されたものです。