Hello there! My name is Snooky. I am a licensed professional teacher. I’ve taught kids and adults.I love teaching because I feel fulfilled whenever my students are learning and especially if they applied all what they have learned into their lives. My goal is to develop their communication skills and confidence in expressing themselves.
I like to see nature through riding a motorbike. I also like traveling exploring nearby cities and countries.
バイクに乗って自然を見るのが好きです。 また、近隣の都市や国を探索する旅行も好きです。
To my dear students, I am very excited to be a part of your journey in learning the English language. I promise to promote inclusive classroom environment where you can express yourself freely. Come and join me, and let’s make English classes fun!
※本記事の日本語訳は、DeepL を使って翻訳されたものです。